Integrated Office Ergonomics Training and Support

Prioritizing ergonomics in the workplace creates a safer, productive, and satisfying environment. Our scalable online solution supports your team’s ergonomic needs, from assessments to training. Invest in your workforce’s well-being and unlock their full potential through ergonomics!

Comprehensive Ergonomics Solutions for Enhanced Workplace Safety and Knowledge

Welcome to Blively, a comprehensive platform offering ergonomics solutions designed to empower Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) professionals, distributors, and users alike. Explore our range of offerings, including on-demand ergonomics training, an interactive self-adjustment tool and discomfort survey, and a dynamic real-time analytics dashboard. Whether you are an OHS professional seeking to enhance workplace safety, a distributor looking to provide cutting-edge ergonomics education, or a user seeking personalized tools for workstation optimization, Blively has you covered. Elevate your ergonomics knowledge, improve well-being, and make data-driven decisions with Blively’s all-encompassing ergonomic solutions.

On Demand Ergonomics Training

Watch educational videos created by a university level educator and experts. Our online training teaches you about ergonomics and how to reduce risks in different environments like office, home, labs, vehicles, and industrial settings. It's interactive and easy to use.

Discover Our Catalog

Interactive Self-Adjustment Tool & Discomfort Survey

Enhance your workstation setup with our cutting-edge online tool, designed to empower users to optimize their ergonomic environment. Our interactive interface not only guides you through the process of adjusting your workstation, but also provides valuable education on proper setup techniques. Upon completion, you'll receive a personalized report tailored to your specific needs, while also contributing meaningful data for your organization's ergonomic improvements.

Transform Your Workspace

Live Analytics Dashboard for OHS Professionals

Stay informed with real-time insights through our comprehensive reporting dashboard tailored for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) personnel, safety managers, ergonomists, and OHS VPs. Monitor key metrics of your ergonomics program, including worker discomfort levels, and establish a baseline for ongoing evaluation. With our interactive and customizable interface, you can effortlessly filter and prioritize data based on your specific needs, ensuring that you focus on critical cases and make informed decisions to enhance workplace safety and well-being.

Unlock Real-Time Insights

Blivlely Helps Maintain Safe Work Spaces

Safe workplaces increase productivity

Studies show that comfortable, well-ventilated and well-lit, safe workplaces increase productivity by as much as 16%—and job satisfaction by 24%. (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Compliance requires good ergonomic practices

For example, in Canada, under Part XIX of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations entitled Hazard Prevention Program, employers are responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring a program for the prevention of hazards, including ergonomics-related hazards, in the work place (Government of Canada).

Welcome to Blively Office: Elevating Your Workplace Well-being

Discover the power of EWI Works’ integrated ergonomic solutions under the Blively Office platform. Our comprehensive suite of tools and courses is designed to empower individuals and organizations in creating ergonomic excellence, promoting workplace safety, and enhancing overall well-being.

1. Online Ergonomics Course – Empowering Knowledge for Safer Workspaces

Enhance your understanding of ergonomics with our cutting-edge online course. Created by university-level educators and industry experts, our course covers a wide range of environments, including offices, home offices, laboratories, vehicles, and industrial settings. Learn how to reduce risks, prevent injuries, and optimize workspaces through interactive and engaging modules. Empower your team with the knowledge to foster a safer and healthier work environment.

2. Self-Adjust Tool – Personalized Workspace Optimization at Your Fingertips

Our interactive self-adjustment tool puts the power of ergonomic optimization in your hands. Easily assess and fine-tune your workstation setup based on personalized recommendations. The user-friendly interface guides you through the process, providing valuable education on proper ergonomic practices. Receive a customized report outlining your specific needs while contributing essential data for your organization’s ergonomic enhancements.

3. E3 Tool – Ergonomics Efficiency and Effectiveness

Streamline your ergonomic evaluations with our E3 Tool. This powerful platform allows you to efficiently collect, analyze, and manage ergonomic data for multiple workstations. With real-time insights and a customizable interface, OHS professionals, safety managers, and ergonomists can prioritize critical cases, identify trends, and establish baselines for continuous evaluation. Empower your team to make informed decisions and proactively enhance workplace safety.

Combining , all the way through.

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Empower Your Workforce, Elevate Your Workplace

Blively Office is your all-in-one solution to create an ergonomic-driven culture, where safety and well-being flourish. Whether you are an individual looking to optimize your workspace or an organization seeking to enhance workplace ergonomics, Blively Office provides the tools and knowledge you need. Join us on the journey towards ergonomic excellence and experience the positive impact on productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall health.