An article co-authored by EWI Staff was recently accepted and published in the journal Gait & Posture.

Along with an analysis of back muscle control patterns and postural shifting during standing, this article identifies that standing, even over a relatively short duration of 34 minutes, can lead to changes in lower limb blood flow and blood pressure. These changes are also associated with the development of discomfort in the lower limb. While many people are advocating prolonged use of a standing work posture rather than sitting, this research suggests that static standing also has negative physical consequences.

Extending on the ideas presented in this research, some follow-up articles are in preparation. In particular, comparisons of outcomes in a seated and standing posture to help determine appropriate time periods for exposure to each condition. This data may help guide postural rotation schedules in workplaces.  Stay tuned for some more updates in the future!

To see the full article, it can be found at: