Industrial Ergonomic Assessments

Individual Assessment

Individual assessments are performed using validated industrial ergonomic assessment tools (e.g. NIOSH, Snook, RULA, etc) with a focus on identifying and understanding ergonomic hazards and root causes for MSIs in your work area. This assessment includes a report of findings, recommendations and follows up with the individual to ensure recommendations have been effective. As part of this assessment, there is a focus on individual coaching on proper body mechanics so the individual performs their activities safely.

Work Group Assessment

Work group assessments involve several people in a work area to identify and understand hazards. This assessment typically details findings and recommendations that can direct equipment selection, safe work practice or administrative interventions. Included in the report and follow up are suggestions for the implementation strategy and priority planning. EWI will work with you to find, trial, and implement effective solutions.

Topic Specific Assessment – Vibration Assessment, industrial seating, industrial footwear, lighting or tool selection

Do you have a specific concern or problem in your organization – perhaps related to an emerging issue, an incident or an injury? EWI can perform topic assessments to address specific questions or concerns such as vibration, industrial seating, and footwear.

Workflow and Process Assessment

The focus of workflow and process assessment is to identify gaps in efficiencies and performance that are related to ergonomics – human machine fit. The assessment is also aimed at identifying inefficiencies that can impact on ergonomic risk. For example, repeated handling of materials in a factory may be both inefficient as well as create a musculoskeletal risk for injury. This assessment includes a report and follow up to help investigate and trial feasibility for implementation of changes. The intent of these assessments is based on the proven fact that ergonomics can positively impact upon productivity and long term cost savings.

Design Guidelines

Working with your organization, EWI can help develop a set of design guidelines for your facility planners and managers for the selection of tools, equipment and furniture. Based on the existing standard and guidelines, design guidelines will be customized to reflect the nature of your business (e.g. construction, trades, manufacturing, and heavy industry) and the processes in place for procuring new equipment.


Equipment Selection and Criteria Checklists

Equipment selection and criteria checklists will provide you support in choosing and purchasing new tools, furniture and equipment. Given the world of products presently on the market, these checklists will help to narrow down your choices to those which will impact ergonomics and safety.