
Ergonomists at EWI Works frequently are asked to speak at national and international conferences and workshops. Talks focus on evidence-based research and its application to the workplace.

Upcoming Webinars and Talks

Ergonomics Coaching & MSI Prevention: Proper Set-up for Driving and Operating Heavy Equipment

Anyone who spends significant time driving, or operating heavy equipment will benefit from learning about all the items within a vehicle that should be adjusted by the operator. This session will also discuss other health and comfort strategies such as how often to get up and move during the day. Front line operators, as well as those involved in purchasing fleet vehicles will gain knowledge during this session.

Visit our MSI Injury Reduction Website for resources.

Presented by AMHSA & EWI Works

Date: June 20, 2024
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Ergonomics Coaching & MSI Prevention: Anthropometry - One Size Does NOT Fit All

Description TBD

Visit our MSI Injury Reduction Website for resources.

Presented by AMHSA & EWI Works

Date: September 18, 2024

Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Ergonomics Coaching & MSI Prevention: Dynamic Warm-up

While the dynamic warm-up is targeted to field workers, office employees would also benefit from this interactive presentation. This session begins with the importance of warming up the muscles before engaging in heavy work, along with tips on how to roll out the program, then a variety of dynamic movements are demonstrated to increase heart rate and muscle temperature to prepare the body for work. Participants are encouraged to complete the dynamic movements along with the facilitator.

Visit our MSI Injury Reduction Website for resources.

Presented by AMHSA & EWI Works

Date: October 17, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 10:00 am

Ergonomics Coaching & MSI Prevention: Ergonomics in Cold Weather

Do you work partly of fully outdoors during winter months? Do you have staff that need to be productive while staying safe? Do you have an appropriate ergonomic set up for winter driving and snow removal?

In this webinar we will discuss appropriate winter tools to minimize ergonomic risks associated with working in winter conditions. We will help you identify MSI risks in winter conditions and give you time management strategies to adjust to the cold weather.

Visit our MSI Injury Reduction Website for resources.

Presented by AMHSA & EWI Works

Date: November 19, 2024
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Ergonomics Coaching & MSI Prevention: Ask an Expert - Addressing Commonly Asked Questions in 2024

This is an opportunity to ask your burning questions and help set your ergonomics resolutions for 2025. The professional Ergonomist will review some of the most common questions they have been answering for clients during 2024. Common questions include:

  • What are some challenges/advice for hybrid work?
  • Why can’t I get a Microsoft Sculpt keyboard, and what’s a good replacement?
  • Should I contact an Ergonomist before I order new equipment, or after I receive it?
  • I think I need an Ergonomist, but I have no idea where to start – HELP!

If you have questions for an Ergonomist, please submit them to ahead of the webinar so they can be shared with the presenter ahead of time.

Visit our MSI Injury Reduction Website for resources.

Presented by AMHSA & EWI Works

Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm